Our Student Care Services Include:
Meals - Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks
Supervision of Homework/Curriculum Functional Academics
Activities of Daily Living Skills (ADL)
Creative Art Activities
Enrichment Programs
Online Learning
Rest time and Leisure Activities
“Quinn provides wonderful dedicated services for special kids. They design the curriculum based on the kid’s own ability. 5 stars.”
Operating Hours
Monday - Friday*
Before School Care: 7:30am - 12:30pm
After School Care: 1:00pm - 6:00pm
School Holiday Program is available for students that require Full Day Care** during term break
* except PH, bi-annual shutdown, teacher’s day
** e.g National Day, Youth Day, Children’s Day, PTM
Program Fees:
Before/After School Care: $620/Month
Material Fee: $45/Semester
Registration Fee: $70
no deposit required
fees are inclusive of lunch
Admission Criteria:
Children in SPED Schools
7-12 Years Old
Singaporeans, PRs, or Dependant Visa(no visa application)
No Major Behaviors of Concern (e.g Beating, Biting, Damaging property)
SPED Schools our students attend
St Andrews Autism Centre
Rainbow Centre
Eden School
Association for Persons with Special Needs (APSN)
AWWA School
Pathlight School
MINDS School
Before/After School Care
Enrichment Programs
Functional Academics
Exercise Programs